God Said, “Set Your Affections on Me.”
Focus on what I'm doing. Stop being more in all of what the enemy does, than you are in my limitless possibilities. Let your mind be renewed and brought into a new heavenly perspective. Your life, your true life, is now hidden in my realm of glory. That is where your focus must be. Set your eyes and your affections on heavenly things and watch the healing of your heart be completed.
My children, come into my courts and see what I have provided for my household. I have a heavenly eye salve that will open your eyes to the brightness of my glory. I have pure robes to place upon your inadequacy and weakness. Seek my face, forsake your habits of passivity, and stir your heart to come into my heavenly
Praise me, and I will open doors into the greater glory. I am the God who makes you new, strong, and courageous. It's in me that you live, move, and exist fully. Let this knowledge bring you into the fullness let this knowledge bring you into the fulfilling life I have designed you to have, and let it fuel your love for me.
“He has done this so every person would long for God, feel their way to him, and find him- for he is the God who is easy to discover! It is through
him that we live and function that have our identity, just as your own poets have said, ‘our lineage comes from him '”. --Acts 17: 27-28
424 Smith St.Algonac, MI 48001
email: algonactrinity@gmail.com